UNDER CONTRACT $10,300/acre

February 27, 2025

75.57+/- Acres Hamilton County, NE

Selling for Dave George

Aerial Map | Soil Map | Topography | Bid Certification Form | Auction Flyer

Online Bidding Link

This developed pivot irrigated farmland presents an opportunity for an investment or to expand your current farm operation. This real estate is located near Aurora. The gently rolling farm has a water way that divides the property. The property is irrigated by two pivot systems and water is provided by one well. The power unit is powered by natural gas. The pivots and the power unit are owned by the tenant. The farm has productive soils, primarily Hastings silt loam and Hobbs silt loam. Buyer will have full possession for the 2025 crop year.

Location: From the intersection of Hwy 34 & Hwy 14 in Aurora, NE, travel one mile north on Hwy 14 to 14th Rd. Travel east one mile to North R road, north ½ mile and the farm will be on the east side of county road.

Legal Description:
The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S1/2NW1/4) EXCEPT TRACT in the Northwest Corner Section Twenty Six (26), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Six (6) West of the 6th P.M. Hamilton County, Nebraska containing 75.57 more or less acres.

Well Information:
Well ID: G-029036 6 in. column
900 GPM; Depth: 142 feet
Pump Level: 73 feet
Static Water Level: 47 feet
Status: Active

FSA Information:
Farmland; 75.52 acres
Cropland; 75.52 acres
Corn Base Acres; 47.90 acres
Soybean Base Acres: 0.50 acres
Total Base Acres: 48.50 acres
PLC Yields: 195 corn, 53 beans

2024 Taxes: $3,475.46

Price & Terms: Land will be sold on taxable acres. 10% down due day of sale. Possession of the farm will be on or before March 15, 2025.

All information gathered from Hamilton County Assessor & Farm Service Agency are not guaranteed by the broker. All images are for illustrative purposes only and not guaranteed.


Online bidding available through Cornwell’s online bidding platform.

Cornwell Inc.
Land & Home Brokers Auctioneers

1108 13th Street
PO Box 43, Aurora, NE 68818

Broker: Clint Mickey, 402-694-4023
Associate Broker: Curt Mickey, 308-379-6149

Agent: Haley Bamesberger | | 402-631-3147
Agent: Tom Cornwell | | 402-694-9104
Agent: Barbara Mickey | barbiemickey@hamilton.net402-604-1727


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